About us

A childhood dream for Louise to live in the place that she loves and had holidayed in since childhood and a need to leave the rat race and reduce the daily commute led us to looking for an opportunity to live in Sidmouth. 

Moving from Northamptonshire in 2019 to take over the running of Becketts was the ideal opportunity and a huge career change for both of us.

Trevor having worked in IT for 25+ years and Louise within Housing for 15+ years, we knew how to drink coffee but had no idea how to make it.

Leaving behind friends, family and Trevor’s eldest daughter was a wrench for sure but living by the sea had been the dream for so long that when the opportunity arose we just had to take it.

A crash course in how to make coffee and run a thriving business followed and with the support of a strong team of local staff, Coffee is served daily from 9.30 – 4.

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